We are located in Upper Bogue, Eleuthera and delivery can be arranged, here's how:
When you order on our website be sure to include the following in your address to make sure the delivery location and cost is correct.
If you are located between the settlements of Hatchet Bay and Palmetto Point- choose CENTRAL ELEUTHERA when adding in your shipping address.
If you are located between the settlements of Savannah Sound and Rock Sound- choose SOUTH ELEUTHERA when adding in your shipping address. We can deliver pass Rock Sound but the price will vary. Please contact us.
If you are located between Bluff and Gregory Town, choose NORTH ELEUTHERA, however, the only option available on the website for this area is PICK UP. If you prefer delivery, go ahead and still choose the pick up option and message us to arrange delivery (the cost is $5).
If you are located in Harbor Island or Spanish Wells, choose your island from the list when adding in your shipping address.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to use the Contact Us option on the website or send us a message on 8041559.